What have I been up to, besides avoiding the "draft blog post" like it has influenza? Glad you asked. Between glamorous diaper changes, dishwasher unloading, teaching, and the occasional shower, my bits of spare time are being spent:
Trying my hand at my own "Happiness Project." Have you read the book? It's awesome. You can buy it here
. I would lend you my copy but I need it for reference. Constant reference, it's that good. I will share all about it soon-- what I am doing in my happiness project and what steps to take if you want to try it out.
Being obsessed with all things photography. Taking a class, snapping shots of anything and everything, spending too much time watching videos and reading articles. I love it. And I think I'm getting better. You can be the judge, when I post some pictures.
Playing with my kids. Really playing--like pushing toy cars on the carpet and sitting on chair pretending it's a train. Also, birthday celebrations for both boys are going down. Pictures and details to come.
Watching Downton Abbey
. I hopped on board with that train. Don't regret it. I can't get enough. My advice: start from season one.
Getting healthy. Like, the kind where you eat healthy and exercise.
Okay, so I've given you a picture-free, promise (of posts to come) filled, glimpse of me right now. Because it's nearing midnight and I have to work in the morning. Also because I am too lazy to fetch my portable hard drive and do not wish to upload any of the old pictures from my laptop because my skills were not nearly as polished and how dare you see that I am not a professional.
Sending you sweet cyber hugs.
Trying my hand at my own "Happiness Project." Have you read the book? It's awesome. You can buy it here
Being obsessed with all things photography. Taking a class, snapping shots of anything and everything, spending too much time watching videos and reading articles. I love it. And I think I'm getting better. You can be the judge, when I post some pictures.
Playing with my kids. Really playing--like pushing toy cars on the carpet and sitting on chair pretending it's a train. Also, birthday celebrations for both boys are going down. Pictures and details to come.
Watching Downton Abbey
Getting healthy. Like, the kind where you eat healthy and exercise.
Okay, so I've given you a picture-free, promise (of posts to come) filled, glimpse of me right now. Because it's nearing midnight and I have to work in the morning. Also because I am too lazy to fetch my portable hard drive and do not wish to upload any of the old pictures from my laptop because my skills were not nearly as polished and how dare you see that I am not a professional.
Sending you sweet cyber hugs.