
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Perfection

Ahh, a perfect Mother's Day: waking up to the sound of my little ones' pitter-pattering as they bring me breakfast in bed; opening handmade gifts from the kids as I stare out at my freshly cleaned house; donning my new earrings from the in-laws; arriving at church early and gaining much wisdom from the sermon; a leisurely lunch and book-reading/crafting at home while my cherubs nap peacefully.

(Insert record-skip sound effect)

The imperfect:  My 3 year old is screaming because how dare his dad try and put paint on his hand to create a cherished memento; my house is mostly clean because of the six hours we spent yesterday....though there's a mountain of unfolded laundry that I'm ignoring; my new earrings were given to me early, and vacuumed up in our cleaning escapade the previous day; just before departing for church my dear husband is digging through the discarded vacuum bag to reclaim my gift; we arrive at church in the knick of time and hear most of it; lunch is chips and salsa for me, cheese sandwiches for the kids; nap-time is as stated above.

Today, instead of yearning for perfection or treating myself to a day at the mall, I am just feeling blessed to be a mother.  I work my butt off (not literally, but I wish) to raise compassionate, responsible and intelligent kids.  It's frustrating and overwhelming at times and most days I lack the personal hygiene or free time I once considered important, but I am fortunate.  There are many people out there who don't like being moms, or desperately are seeking to become one, or who have lost children, or have other heart-breaking situations.  I am thinking of those women today, and sending love to them.

I'm okay with the slobber stain on my shoulder and a tantrum about seat-belt-wearing.  These years are chaotic and beautiful and I intend to cherish every minute.  If the worst part of my Mother's Day is losing a couple earrings, then great.  I didn't have to dig them out of the trash--the best present yet!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect entry Robin! A quote - There's no way to be a perfect Mom but there's a million ways to be a good one! You've it on most all of it! Love, your MIL
